Who says they 'Do Nothing?"

The Pubs in the house voted, yesterday, to defund Obamacare, for the FIFTY-FIFTH time! And, surprise, the vote went along party lines and didn't pass. This is INSTEAD of facing and working on the myriad of bills that are fast approaching deadlines, while their only other business was to discuss de-funding Planned Parenthood, (they'd rather have UNplanned Parenthood) which will deny birth control to those who need it most, creating who knows how many thousands of 'accidental' babies, requiring expensive public assistance that those same Pubs rail against. And you wonder why I can't stand these clowns?
If they were vets, everyone would get shot, like a horse with a broken leg, cuz they'd rather 'kill something', like Obamacare and Planned P'hood, that benefits MANY, rather than fix the bad parts. Idiots, but SO Republican....


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