There was a time,

when I'd discuss/debate politics with a sheep, but have found it's a total waste of time and energy, cuz they ALL start with the BS of  'Bush and Cheney got bad intelligence'. OMG, how dense/stupid/willfully ignorant do you have to be, to believe that?  Have you never heard of Joe Wilson,Valerie Plame and read about all the threats they, and everyone else got, when they tried to expose the truth of the WMD lies about aluminum tubes, 'yellow cake' and mobile labs? These were people appointed by GHWBush. THE recognized experts in the area, who were threatened by the Bushies, with Valerie being 'outed' as a CIA agent, in retribution, after they wouldn't shut up. Bottom line, once I hear, 'they were fooled', I just walk away. There is no remedy for those who believe The Dick and his crowd as they try to rewrite history, (supported by FOX, the propaganda arm of those who started the war), based on lies, in spite of all the easily verified facts, now and then.


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