Just mentioning 'Socialism'

causes some rightwingnuts, like Dave Ramsey, writing for Bullshit Mountain today, to totally freak out. They seem to forget, that the happiest and most prosperous countries in the world, (Northern Europe), are mostly socialist, and MANY programs in the US, that people really like, such as Medicare and Social Security, (that the Pubs fought against, tooth and nail, as they were 'against them, before they were FOR them'), are socialist. Also, unlike Mexico, where airports are built by private business, the US uses 'Socialism' for the public good in MANY areas, such as the FDA and  power generation, throughout the country. BUT, if you mention that the govt should be involved with higher education or medical care, like the rest of the civilized world, the rightwingnuts, led by the propaganda arm of the Repub Party, or FOXNews (one and the same), they go batshit crazy. Nothing new here, but as Bullshit Mountain equates the 'S' word with Communism, just look at reality, and stay calm, while you campaign for Bernie Sanders...


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