I guess I'm not the only one, who can't stand him

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced himself to the crowd at Wednesday night's GOP presidential debate, describing himself as a proud father and the "son of an Irish-Italian mom and a Cuban immigrant dad who fled oppression and came to America seeking freedom". The audience responded with a resoundingly awkward silence. Seriously, not a single person clapped. Don't worry, Ted, maybe they all just forgot.
Ted Cruz, one of the 3 Stooges on stage, along with The Huck and Scott Walker, (shown in pic with the Stoogiest Stooge) showed how out of touch with reality they actually are, every time they opened their mouths. The good news? At least they made the others look better, by comparison, which isn't saying much, as they pretty much said they were gonna 'shut it down' over Planned Parenthood, shovel more $ to the most bloated part of the budget, the military, and had absolutely ZERO specific ideas for helping the economy, other than that tired old Repub talking point, 'Cut Taxes', blah, blah, blah.... At least they didn't say 'Read my lips', this time. Maybe they've learned SOMETHING, as they lie to the sheep.....


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