Should REALLY be fun,

to watch the Pubs deal with their 'Trump problem'. He's not going away, AND, now that he has a sizable majority, 'driving' the clown car, he's toned it down a bit. Bottom line, it's gonna be hard to dislodge him, as the 'out there' party has created a monster and now doesn't know how to deal with their Frankenstein. Any reasonable person (non-FOXSheep) can see that the entire classified email (re-labeled as 'classified', AFTER she sent them) problem with Hillary is totally manufactured and is no big deal, much like Benghazi. BUT, it's enough to keep the sheep riled  (along with Planned Parenthood) while the Pubs totally ignore the real issues like Immigration, a 30 day Band-Aid on the Transportation Bill, and the entire Federal Budget that they refuse to even discuss, as always, until it's an EMERGENCY! Pass it now, or we'll Shut It Down, and try to blame the Dems. Luckily, that didn't work last time and won't work this time, cuz not every voter's as blind as the FOXSheep.
Bottom line, Hillary's problems look pretty small, compared to Trump's hijacking of the GOP, with the blessing of the rightwingnuts. As I said, should really be fun to watch....


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