Time to stock up, tomorrow,

as tomorrow is a 'tax-free' day for medical and recreational pot sales. Not sure why, but it's some kind of bureaucratic screw up, and a one day deal. Actually, in the last 2 1/2 years I've only been in one pot shop, but that was kind of a trip. seeing a BUNCH of different strains and forms (edibles, drinkables, oils, wax, etc, plus all kinds of paraphenalia. For the first time, last night, I saw part of the movie 'Reefer Madness', and I was totally shocked. I knew it was a bunch of bullshit, but it was totally unbelievable that it was what people used to form their opinions of cannabis, and make the laws, as Harry Anslinger made a career of lying to the people and politicians, while he enjoyed all the fame associated with being a 'hero' of the ignorant masses. Amazing, but true, as it was classed with heroin and meth, and many people went to prison for 10 years on their first charge and for LIFE for a second offense. Nixon, Reagan and the Pubs went batshit crazy in their war on potsmokers and those who didn't like their bullshit war in Viet Nam. Never mind, I digress, as I plan a shopping trip so see 'what's out there', legally, here in the wonderful state of Colorado, without paying any taxes on it, although there have already been OVER a hundred million dollars in taxes collected, not to mention all the money that didn't go to Mexican cartels. Gotta love Colorado, while the rightwingnuts rule, in other states.
BTW, just kidding about 'stocking up'.


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