They just can't help themselves,

as the FAR rightwingnuts, who don't have to worry about re-election in their gerry-mandered, rightwingnut districts, plan to shut down the govt, AGAIN, to prove a point that will gain 'nothing but disdain' from the majority of American voters. I say, 'Go For It'.

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government shut down for 16 days in 2013 because some Republicans wanted to "defund" Obamacare. The shutdown hurt the economy, accomplished nothing and polls showed Americans blamed the GOP.
Several Republican lawmakers said it was a mistake.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have both vowed there will be no more shutting down of the government. On Friday, McConnell called it "an exercise in futility." Last month, he summed up the folly by saying"there's no education in the second kick of a mule."
Nevertheless, a sizable contingent in their party appears ready for a remedial encounter with the hooves. The government will run out of money at the end of September, and while congressional leaders have yet to offer a plan to keep the lights on, some Republicans have already seized on the notion of linking that vital spending to a bill defunding Planned Parenthood -- a move that would guarantee deadlock.
Again I say, 'Just DO It', and show the people how low the modern GOP has sunk, as they have replaced governance with 'tantrum throwing', and mistake the intelligence of the average American with the mentality of the sheep of Bullshit Mountain. 


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