One of the rightwingnuts, Kim Davis,

says she'll go to jail rather than issue marriage licenses to people who were, 'born that way.' Fine, throw her thrice divorced ass in jail. Remember that tough decision you had to make? Am I gonna be straight or gay? Of course not, but there are idiots 'out there' who make it seem that way. If the religious nut, Kim Davis feels so strongly, fine, quit your job and work for a church, BUT, don't take a paycheck for a job that calls for you uphold the laws of the land. (Un?)fortunately we can't pick and choose which laws we'll obey, BUT, things are 'different' in the Bible Belt(R), where Kim's mother had the job before her, and she hired her son as soon as she took the job. It's called nepotism, and is pretty common in the land of trailer parks, meth labs and snake handlers...


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