You'll never hear it on FOX, but,

part of the Iran nuke deal is the fact they aren't allowed to enrich plutonium, which is essential to making a nuclear bomb. Pretty big deal, but we only hear the 'bad' parts of the deal, from FOX, as they feature The Dick, who has a 'stellar' record on foreign relations. Nothing new here, as FOX is against EVERYTHING from Obama, and they'll say/do anything return Pubs to the 'scene of the crime'.
BTW, something else the FOXCrowd won't see/hear. It as the hottest summer EVER, since weather records have been kept, but Rush and Sean assure the sheep, it's all a liberal 'hoax'. Nothing new here, as there is 'real' news, and the FOX version, for those who don't require those pesky things called 'facts'.  At least we're not hearing that Obamacare 'crashed' the medical system, like FOX and the Pubs promised it would. A large majority of Americans actually 'like' it. Oh yeah, and then there was the Fed policy to help the economy (that the Pubs actually DID crash) and the rightwingnuts were SURE it was gonna cause runaway inflation, and predicted it for over 6 years in row, until they 'just recently' shut up about it. As always, FOX vs reality.....


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