Some of us who watched,

the Repub prez candidates debate (grade school insult fest), were shocked by the many lies, presented as fact, like vaccinations causing autism, Trump NOT trying to get casino gambling in Florida, Carli's Planned P'hood fetus video, (was from a totally dif source), comments about how WEAK the US military is, and how NO ONE respects America and how Obama wrecked the economy (when he and the Dem's have gradually FIXED the mess left by the Repubs), among a lot of other borderline bullshit, and HIllary being under indictment for 'leaking secrets'. BUT, it's no big deal to the sheep, cuz they live with, and don't care about lies. They're FOX disciples, and 'facts' don't matter. BUT, to the rest of us, it was WTF? Doesn't anyone care about TRUTH?
PS Carly totally 'fudged the facts' about being fired from HP. She said the 'entire tech world was failing' which is bullshit, for the time when she got axed. Her terrible business decisons nearly wreck the company when other firms were doing well, and the company paid her $20 million severance package just to get rid of her. 10 years later she still can't land a decent job. BUT, the Pubs claims she's a great 'businessperson'. LOL. She's just a token woman candidate, who's a good speaker, although a LOT of what she says is just lies


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