Good article in USA Today

about the Bitter End Drug Warriors, who continue to fight for restrictive cannabis laws, after most of the country agrees it should be legal.

It explains how the draconian laws have ruined MANY more lives than the plant itself, after Nixon classified it Schedule 1, like heroin. Law enforcement and the legal profession have made TONS of money and wrecked millions of lives in the futile battle to legislate morality and force their biases on consenting adults. Really stupid, and SO Republican. There'll be a time we look back on this time like we do now with women voting and de-segregation and say, 'what the hell took so long?', and the answer is, those damn Republicans, who also fight same sex marriage, between those who were 'born that way'. As always, believe what you want, no matter how much proof there is against it, but DON"T force your arcane, restrictive beliefs on others...


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