Transitioning from 'Obamacare Is Gonna Kill Us',

to BENGHAZI!, to Hillary's Illegal Basement Server Email, the clowns of Bullshit Mountain have kept the sheep in perpetual 'fear and loathing' of all things Democratic. After claiming she should take responsibility (she did) and apologize, (she did), although what she did was totally legal and 'was and is' done by MANY Repubs, The Fair and Balanced Network claims she isn't sincere and it's too little and too late. Hmmm.... Who da thunk they wouldn't be satisfied?
 And then they added, 'Poor, pathetic Hillary has fallen and she can't get up'. Wow, do they know how to play to their audience or what? FOXNews, what a joke, as the propaganda arm of the Repub Party will say/do whatever it takes to con the sheep, who like to think they are 'informed'. Luckily, they're still a minority, as they gather to feed at the trough of the Rupert/Ailes propaganda machine.


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