Thoughts on the Pub debate...

St Ronalds ass must be getting sore, as the clowns push their noses DEEP into it.
They act like the problems in our country are because of Obama, instead of the 'steaming pile' left by the last Repub administration, that wrecked our economy, and started wars, based on lies.
One of the few voices of reason, is Rand Paul, who admits the Pubs screwed up the Middle East, as if we didn't know.
Ted Cruz is not only ugly, but an idiot also, as he claims HE could have negotiated a GREAT deal with Iran, while the top five countries in the world couldn't.
All the clowns totally dodged the question that was asked REPEATEDLY. Will you shut down the govt over Planned Parenthood? Not one would answer, so I'm thinking they will, as an excuse to keep from actually doing their jobs. IDIOTS!
No one calls out Trump's idea to deport 11 million Mexicans. WTF? How you clowns gonna do that?
BTW, Marco Rubio is one of the sane ones, that stands out in this crowd, though I do agree with them on the anchor baby issue.
Kasich loves saying how he fixed everything, and balanced the budget,until he left in 2000, and it all crashed. Duh, what happened in 2000? Maybe Bush(R)?
I knew Scott Walker's an idiot, but now everyone should know. Wow...
The clowns like to act like BENGHAZI! and the private email is a HUGE crime for Hillary. Thanks, FOX, but w e're not all a bunch of ignorant sheep....
The clowns LOVE to talk tough about North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russia and China, BUT, what the hell you gonna do? Attack 'em all? I do know that's the fave Pub plan, but it SUCKS, as one of the things they all seem to agree on is to shovel MORE money to the most bloated military in the world, at the expense of everything else.
And again, I gotta say, Ronald's ass is gotta be getting REAL sore, as they all pile inside....
The Donald is reminding the clowns he was the ONLY one (other than Rand) who said NO to GW and The Dick's big adventure in Iraq.
Jeb says his brother kept us SAFE and they all cheered. Who was prez and got the memo that Bin Laden planned to use aircraft to attack the US in 2001? Who are these people who act like the current problems in the MidEast are cuz of Obama instead of the jerks who wrecked the area, and saying we HAVEN'T been safe under Obama?
I quit. I can't stand any more of this revisionist history. G'night....


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