Can you imagine how the Pubs would laugh (rightfully so)

if Debbie Wasserman Schultz left the DNC, raised a hundred million dollars, and bought a 'news' organization that broadcast Democratic propaganda, and she found an audience of sheep that actually BELIEVED it, citing it as the ONLY source of REAL news? Her 'news' network and the idiots that swallowed it would be laughed out of town, as they should be.,
BUT, that's exactly what happened with Roger Ailes, as he went from head Repub strategist, working with every Pub candidate from Nixon thru GHWBush, to forming FOXNews. He raised over $100 million dollars, with Rupert Murdoch, and launched FOXNews. The best political money EVER SPENT.
True, you have to be a naive, gullible sheep to believe their crap, but there are MILLIONS of them 'out there', and they swallow the official Bullshit Mountain line, just like they 'literally' believe their Bible, as a science/history book.
Mudoch/Ailes tapped into a pre-made constituency that doesn't require facts, as long as it feels good, 'in their gut', and they gave us GW & The Dick, followed (after 8 years to fix the Repub mess), by President Donald Trump.
You can't make up stuff like this....
Pictured are Adam and Eve, the FIRST humans, whose son married someone from a neighboring tribe.


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