In a nutshell, Conservative Punk shows
he must a FOXSheep, cuz he is 'catapulting the propaganda', with ZERO truth.
I will keep my guns, money and freedom, you can keep the "change" shared Conservative Punk
Hey idiot. No Dem ever came after your guns, or freedom, and if you like money, move to a Blue State, cuz the Red States are at the BOTTOM, in income and education, which SURPRISINGLY, are related.
Maybe Ignorant Punk(R), would be a better handle...
I will keep my guns, money and freedom, you can keep the "change" shared Conservative Punk
Hey idiot. No Dem ever came after your guns, or freedom, and if you like money, move to a Blue State, cuz the Red States are at the BOTTOM, in income and education, which SURPRISINGLY, are related.
Maybe Ignorant Punk(R), would be a better handle...