The clowns at FOX have always been

TOTAL HYPOCRITES, but it doesn't get any more obvious than right now. The jerks(R) at Bullshit Mountain screamed, yelled and investigated, ad nauseum, Hillary's 'private server' that was NEVER shown to be hacked, under the guise of 'National Security'. BUT, when it's shown the Russians actually DO hack into the US election, it's "Hey, no problem, quit being a sore loser'.
How anyone thinking person can get their 'news' from such a blatantly partisan, biased, political propaganda machine is beyond reason. BUT, the FOXSheep have never been known for logic or intelligence. Sometimes though, as with the Russian hacking, after Hillary's emails, it's just totally ridiculous.
DO the sheep care? OF COURSE NOT! They live with their heads firmly implanted, and one more incident showing their blind hypocrisy flies right over their deeply inserted heads.
I could try to explain the irony, but it'd be like trying to discuss Quantum Physics, with a 3 year old, who doesn't understand English, living inside a fact-resistant bubble. Ain't gonna happen....


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