This kinda says it all,

about what we can expect from President Trump. The guy who doesn't have time for briefings from US intelligence agencies, (he knows more than 'the generals' and the CIA), has time to go on Twitter and blast Vanity Fair magazine, cuz they gave the restaurant at Trump Tower a bad rating, which he did today, after a brief respite from Tweeting.
Think about it. The Orange Clown, with everything on his plate, is pissed about a poor review for one of his restaurants, and went on a rant against a magazine. OMG! What are we in for, as a country?

Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFairMagazine. Way down, big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!

Who can't see something SO obvious, as an egotistical buffoon is just a few weeks from the White House? Oh yeah, the sheep, who get their 'news' from FOX, the network created by Roger Ailes, who continued his career as Head Repub Strategist, by buying a 'News' agency. Can you say GULLIBLE?


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