YUUUGE difference!

After 8 years of Bush and the Dems, GW was booed out of town with a 22% approval rating and our economy in flames.
After 8 years in office, in SPITE of FOX/PARP and the Pubs (one and the same) doing everything they could to obstruct EVERYTHING his administration tried to do, Obama leaves office as the most admired man in America, well in front of the clown who's ganna make G Dub's rating look 'bigly'.
I don't think I'll ever forgive the Evangelicals and other sheep for wrecking my country. Don't think so? Check back in a year or two. Who can't see the Orange Clown has DISASTER written all over him?
Oh yeah, the sheep, who get their 'news' from the propaganda arm of the Repub party.

President Obama has again been named the nation's most admired man. This is the 9th consecutive year participants in the annual Gallup poll have placed him at the top.
In the category of most admired woman, Hillary Clinton rose above all others. 2016 marks her 21st appearance in the number 1 slot.

And then there is the Most Admired Woman, (Hillary's 21st time) who could have been prez, but, OMG!, she used a private server, (which was never hacked), unlike others, that the Russians used to install their boy Donald, which is obviously the fastest, easiest way to wreck the US, IF, you can get anough idiots (FOXFans) to go along with Putin's plan. 
Am still not sure if this election, Viet Nam or Iraq was America's LOW point? Any and/or all are enough to make me ashamed....


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