I'm sure the rightwingnuts are shocked,

and the sheep who get their 'news' from Bullshit Mountain will never even hear it, BUT, research (yup, that stuff by scientists, who use FACTS) found that states with legal cannabis have substantially lower vehicle accident rates.
In a nutshell, from someone who's 'been there', IF you drive after a toke (most people don't want to) you are extremely cautious. AND, with those who can legally choose, ( Individual choice is something the Pubs 'claim' they like, but always fight, with marijuana and on other levels), many pick pot over alcohol.
Will these facts penetrate the firmly implanted, deeply inserted heads of the sheep? Of course not! Cuz they have seen 'Reefer Madness', and listened to FOXNews so they think they KNOW what's real. Nothing new here...

Research surprises on marijuana

Study says states with medical pot laws have lower traffic fatality rates.

States with medical marijuana laws have fewer traffic fatalities than those without, especially among younger drivers, a new study found.
That goes against what might be a popular perception that crash rates would be higher, supposing that more drivers are, too — especially late at night.
But, no. Researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health found an 11 percent reduction in traffic fatalities on average when examining places that have enacted medical marijuana laws — 23 states and the District of Columbia. The presence of medical marijuana dispensaries also correlated with fewer traffic fatalities, the study found.
Silvia Martins, a physician and associate professor who was the study’s senior officer, theorized that lower traffic fatality rates in states with marijuana laws might be related to lower levels of alcohol-impaired driving: People, especially younger people, began substituting weed for booze.


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