I had a discussion with a sheep, a while ago,

about the effectiveness of chondroitin and glucosimine, which his wife swore by. I just remembered, cuz I just saw another test result, and remembered there have been MANY tests and studies with these drugs, regarding efficacy.
Seems that it does work. The same as a placebo. No better. ZERO scientific proof of ANY benefit.
Does this effect the average sheep? OF COURSE NOT. Fits right in there with FOXNews and a literal Bible.
Don't CONFUSE them with facts, cuz they know what they WANT to believe. Evidence be damned... Normally I would say this type of ignorance is 'not my business', BUT, when they are herded together, brainwashed and led to the voting booth, it DOES effect me. Cuz we now have President-elect Trump. PROOF of the damage done by stupid people in large groups...


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