I've been reading LOTS of reasons (and some excuses),

why Hillary lost. Some are obvious, like Comey's and Putin's involvement in the election, and the fact that Trump spoke and used the language at a 5th grade level. Say what you will, but that meant EVERYONE understood what he said, even if they didn't agree. Not so with Hillary, whose ideals and vocabulary was somewhat lofty, for a Bible Belter with a 6th grade education. Lots of little things made the difference, in an election where well under one percent of the vote, in three crucial Rust Belt states, gave us President -elect Trump. Excuse me while I barf.....
I claim the number one reason he lost, by FAR, was FOXNews, that a substantial number of people see/read and actually believe. When I visit my hometown of Kearney, Nebraska, and as I used to travel through the south, it's not unusual, in fact it's the norm, to have a TV in the background, at a restaurant, and many other places, with the FOXNews 'talent' giving a running dialogue about how Obama has wrecked the country and how Republicans are trying to save it, between their glitzy, high-tech, blonde-bimbo filled 'actual' news portion, which is always, 'totally biased'.
I 'was' gonna say that if I had been raised in such an environment, I would probably vote Repub, but that's not true. I grew up with, and was subjected to, corn belt philosophy and news, but NEVER leaned that way, cuz, from the time I was able to vote, those same people were trying to send me to Viet Nam, for the most bullshit war EVER, until GW and The Dick invaded Iraq.
However, my point is that if you are stuck in an environment where you are constantly bombarded by the lies and propaganda of FOXNews, and your friends, relatives and co-workers listen/believe, odds are that you will too. And once you actually BELIEVE the tripe from Bullshit Mountain, it's a done deal.  GAME OVER! Insidious, but true.
There are some Trump voters that aren't part of the FOX audience, BUT, there is NO part of the FOX flock that didn't vote for Trump. Without question. Those who accepted the FOX/PARP version as 'Real' news, voted Trump. I guaran-damn-tee it. Just like computers or sausage: garbage in, garbage out. VOILA! Trump vote!
So, the pundits can say all they want, and there were LOTS of reasons we now have a buffoon for the next prez, but Numero Uno, BY FAR, is investment by Murdoch/Ailes, with Koch money, several decades ago. Without a doubt.


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