Hey FOXSheep! I have a GREAT deal for you!

It's a handy guide, full of financial advice, and information on 'How to Retire Early', written by a homeless bum, on the back of a wine bottle.
We figure anyone who would get their 'news' from the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, via a 'news' agency created by the Chief Strategist of the Repub Party, (Nixon through GHWBush), would have no trouble believing an impeccable source like a homeless bum.
Hey, if you can be convinced ALL the other news sources are biased, but FOX tells the 'truth', you should have no trouble forking over a few bucks for financial advice from a wino, living on the street.
C'mom, step right up. Facts be damned. Be consistent on who/what you believe.
Boxcar Bob promises to be Fair and Balanced, AND, not to spend any of his profits on booze. C'mon, believe him. Why would he lie?
Sign up early and guarantee yourself a seat on a starship being built by him and his kids, to hold two of every family on the planet, after Trump and his crew wreck 'the world as we know it'.
Don't believe it?
Hmmm. NOW you're gonna start asking for facts and logic?
Never bothered you before....


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