Some people have a problem,

(actually only those with a functioning brain), with the heads of Trump's 'Blind Trust' sitting in on his meetings with the heads of the biggest tech companies in the country.
I suppose we could check his tax returns and see if there are any 'conflicts of interest' IF he had ever released them.
Wait, The Donald just said he's open to 'limits' on what business he can discuss with his sons, in the future. ALL RIGHT, I feel much better now, coming from the guy who claims tells more LIES, than truth. Maybe the FBI(R) can keep an eye on him...
Just saw an ad for  T-shirt with the US states being either Red of Blue, like many other maps. The only difference, (after Russia's role in electing our new prez), was the Red States being labeled as
I like it, but it might be a little much, when I'm around those who live in DUMBF**KISTAN. What you think?


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