I don't know for certain, but I can't see

anywhere on the Bullshit Mountain digital edition that they even pretend to be 'Fair and Balanced' any more, cuz I don't see the 'funniest motto EVER' being used anywhere. Maybe on other formats where they disseminate the daily ration of manure to the sheep, but not on the one I read.
Hmmm. Ya think there was just too much laughter in the room when their own hacks read their motto?
They are SO obviously just a propaganda machine that has one goal, and that's to elect Repubs. Their motto should be 'Dems Bad, Pubs Good'. It's all you need to know, and it's truthful, SO, at least one part of their daily rag would have some truth in it.
I'm thinking their goal has been reached, with Trump in the White House, millions of wool covered minions throughout the land have been suitably brain-washed, so that Roger Ailes can just sit back, sexually harass some new intern and say 'Mission Accomplished'. Maybe he could land on an aircraft carrier, with a banner?
With ONLY $100,000,000, (actually it was a little more) the Chief of Strategy (Propaganda Minister)  of the Repub party went from advising presidential candidates to managing an empire, and started the entire 'fake news' phenomenon. Truly ahead of his time, but others are learning fast. Just ask the Pope, who endorsed Donald Trump for prez. Along with Roger Murdoch they convinced a sizable portion of American voters that ONLY they (Repub propaganda) could be believed, and everyone else, all the mainstream (called so for a reason) incl foreign news like Reuters and the BBC, were in on a Liberal Plot.
It didn't REALLY take off until Karl Rove, an intelligent, slimy little weasel convinced them to go after the largest voting block in the country. Not the smartest, or most discerning, but the LARGEST, and unlike the young and educated, they ALWAYS vote. VOILA! FOX and the Pubs (one and the same) became the voice of the Christians, therefore always having the 'moral high ground', in their simple, non-questioning minds. Anyone that believes Noah put two of EVERY animal on a boat, he and his kids built, and then disseminated them across the earth, after it was totally flooded, is gonna have NO PROBLEM believing that GW and The Dick, made an 'honest mistake' invading Iraq, and Donald Trump is a 'man of God'.
Bottom line, make the decision to watch/believe FOXNews, and it's game over. My congratulations to the victors. I know they cheated and lied, but all is fair in love and war, and this is WAR. For our souls and our country. I, for one, am just about ready to wave a white flag. But not quite yet...


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