Rex Tillerson, head of Exxon,

and The Donald's choice for Sec of State, seems like good guy, BUT. We had a Repub administration with ties to Big Oil. The Dick was head of Haliburton (stock went up more than ten-fold) and the Bushies had been the face of Big Oil since Pappy Bush and the Saud family hooked up in the mid 20th century.
Because of their ties to Big Oil, GW and The Dick lied us into the 'Ooops, No WMD's' war that took oil from under $14 to over $140 per barrel, killing thousands and wrecking the MidEast, (to this day), while creating millions of refugees and filling our VA hospitals.
BUT, it did produce buttloads of money for Big Oil Texans and the Haliburton Henchmen.
We don't need no more stinkin' oilmen in positions of power, SO, that means Trump will put him there. It just keeps getting worse, as the Pubs are poised to rape our country, AGAIN!


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