Directly contradicting the leaders of the agencies

he will soon be 'leading', (incl the FBI, who helped to give him the election), The Orange Clown(R) continues to claim 'it's impossible to know', who hacked the DNC, (and helped steal the election), installing 'Putin's Choice', as prez of the US, with slow, constant leaks against Hillary and the Dems.

This just in: The Bullshittin' Buffoon has several speechwriters working on his Inauguration Address. C'mon, just let him speak, in his own words. I can hear him now...
"It's gonna be a very, very, very, very YUUUGE bunch of winning, 'BIGLY'. You'll get TIRED of 'winning' so much. I LOVE the uneducated, and I can't wait to grab more pussy" and so on....
PLEASE, just have him speak at his 3rd grade level, so his voters can comprehend....
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They are at their 'Hypocrites-R-Us' meeting, obviously...


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