
Showing posts from August, 2018

Hey gullible sheep, here’s an actual e-mail I got

That ONLY gullible idiots like ou, who swallow FOXCrap, would respond to. Check it out, clueless targets.... Who would fall for this crap? Oh yeah, the same gullible sheep(R), who believe Rush and Sean.... Dear Online® Customer   We believe that an unauthorized party may have accessed your account. To protect your information, we have: 1. Suspended your online access. 2. Reversed any changes made by this party  &  Canceled all pending orders.     For these reasons:-    And to further protect your identity and personal information,  We immediately require that you;-  Verify Your Chase Online Banking Thank you for being our customer. Sincerely, Chase Fraud Department Security Tip: Chase will only ask for your account number or password in an e-mail if we notice unusual activity. E-mail Security Information

To keep it simple, for the simple-minded...

Can you imagine if Hillary was in the WHite House, with a minority of the popular vote, and we had Putin supporting her, and SOOO many in her administration being linked to Russia? You think the rightwingnuts wiuld have a problem with it? Think about it, you gullible morons......

First of all, let me admit I HATE Hitler comparisons of any kind

BUT, having 50% German blood in my veins, I’ve always wondered, ‘WTF happened, that Hitler could take over an entire country like Germany, and I’ve been somewhat ashamed of my German heritage, claiming to be Swedish, which I am. The WWII museum in New Orleans, rated in the top three IN THE WORLD, has a great section on ‘Propaganda’ that explains how an a-hole like Adolph could take over an entire country. He took over the ‘media’ first, eliminating those who disagreed with him (Fake News?), and convinced the ‘sheep’ that they were the ‘elite race’ (white), and immigrants, esp Jews, were BAD, stoking populism and militarism, LYING to the people, as they swallowed it cuz he said what they wanted to hear. Now I see ‘otherwise good people’ falling for the propaganda (FOXLies) and an A-hole like Donald Trump taking over our country. How can you avoid the Hitler comparison? I’m sure (or HOPE) my ancestors were ‘duped’, just like the FOX sheep, who think they are ‘patriotic’ by support...

File it under, ‘What the hell did you expect?’

Seems Melania was upset by all the negativity directed at Dotard, during Aretha Franklin’s funeral, where was ‘disinvited’, like McCain’s funeral, and several speakers threw shade at him, and worse.. Wow, who da thunk? Melania Trump is ’embarrassed’ over the insults thrown at her husband during Aretha Franklin’s funeral. A source close to the first lady told HL EXCLUSIVELY how she feels ‘horrible’. . A source close to Melania Trump told us EXCLUSIVELY that she’s mortified over the shade thrown at her husband. “Melania feels humiliated and embarrassed by the multiple Donald insults at the Aretha funeral,” our source said. “It makes Melania feel horrible that Donald is not welcome or invited to Aretha’s funeral as well as McCain’s funeral and then to hear about speakers making subtle jabs at her husband while speaking at Aretha’s funeral only makes things worse. Melania wishes more people liked her family and is constantly embarrassed by the public’s opinion of her husband and whe...

I have just one main question

When is this OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER supposed to kick in?

NO, I’m NOT eating my vegetables, OR acting like an adult!


During the all important ‘negotiations’ with Canada, we just found out that the Liar in Chief had these words

and remember he ‘has words, he has the best words’. What a dumbshit! When I think of how much power, and how many lives that incompetent, arrogant a-hole(R) has in his tiny little hands, it makes me sick, and combative, in a 300 Win Mag kind of way.... BTW, in ‘real’ news it’s reported as another Dotard f**k up, but on FOXLies, it’s all about that damned fake news media who screwed things up. And you wonder WHY the FOXSheep are so ignorant and uninformed, not to mention GULLIBLE? Trump said he isn’t making compromises with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government, but isn’t going to say so publicly because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.” “Here’s the problem. If I say no, the answer’s no. If I say no, then you’re going to put that, and it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal ... I can’t kill these people,” he said of Trudeau’s government. In another remark he did not want published, Trump s...

Dotard isn’t the only Tweeter. Bette Midler has some good ones...

Washington Post says in his 1st year as Prez, Trump made 2,140 false claims & this year he’s more than doubled that in just 6 months. In a way it’s a miracle. Nobody’s ever seen that much bullshit come out of a horse’s ass. 10:16 AM - Aug 4, 2018 Now Trump’s saying Democrats are going to be “violent” if they win big in November? What are we going to do? Throw our PBS tote bags at them? 9:51 AM - Aug 30, 2018 Trump tells a rally tonight, “My mother made the best turkey.” I doubt the woman ever cooked a turkey in her life, unless he means in her uterus. 9:17 PM - Aug 22, 2018 Trump is rolling back environmental rules for coal plants. So rather soon, those are the only kind of plants we’ll have left. 10:03 AM - Aug 21, 2018 My fellow Americans: Rudy Giuliani is right: truth isn’t truth. And climate change isn’t real, and Donald Trump isn’t president! Feels better already, doesn’t it? 8:04 AM - Aug 21, 2018

Ironic, isn’t it,

as McCain lies in the US Capitol and Trump LIES in Washington, (and everywhere he goes). And why not LIE? The sheep don’t care and look where it’s gotten him, from the time he started the Obama ‘birther’ movement through the THOUSANDS of LIES he’s told continually, since then. Can you imagine being a kid these days, and your parents tell you not to LIE? ‘Why not? Look at our president.’

This just in, and NO WONDER Dotard is trying SO HARD to discredit Ohr and everyone involved with Mueller’s probe

A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump "over a barrel," according to multiple people familiar with the encounter. The lawyer, Bruce Ohr, also says he learned that a Trump campaign aide had met with higher-level Russian officials than the aide had acknowledged, the people said. The previously unreported details of the July 30, 2016, breakfast with Christopher Steele, which Ohr described to lawmakers this week in a private interview, reveal an exchange of potentially explosive information about Trump between two men the president has relentlessly sought to discredit. Read Newsmax:  AP Sources: Lawyer Was Told Russia Had 'Trump over a Barrel' |  

Yup, I think all of us are gonna be surprised, when Mueller FINALLY releases the results of his LONG, thorough investigation.

Mueller Evidence on Trump Could Be 'Beyond What Anyone on the Outside Can Imagine,' Says Newsweek source from ‘Inside’ the investigation. August 31, 2018

Who da thunk?


Maybe there IS a good, and He (She) is paying atention

It rained as John McCain’s casket was carried into the Rotunda, and it seemed like GOd was shedding tears. Sorta like when Dotard was giving his presidential oath, and God was also crying. At least that’s how it seems, as we have the polar opposites in human beings and politicians. One is a patriot, sho serves others with honesty and decency. And we also have the Liar in Chief, thanks to Comey, Putin, FOX and the sheep. Thanks, again..... This just in: According to a new  ABC/Washington Post  poll, President Trump’s disapproval rating has hit a new high. Sixty percent of the 1,003 adults surveyed said they disapprove of the president’s job performance, with 53 percent saying they do so strongly. Trump also hit a new low with an  approval  rating of only 36 percent. 

Yahoo!, The rightwingnut a-hole, ALex Jones CAN be sued for defamation

It’s just a small step, as Dotard’s henchmen, who LIE for a living, CAN be held responsible. There’s a YUUUGE umber of jerks(R) ‘out there’, but this jag off has to be at the top of the list. Oh yeah, he was one of the FIRST slime balls that Dotard called to thank after the Russians, Comey, FOXLies and the sheep inflicted him on our country. Screw him and the sheep he rode in on, and I hope he loses his fat, LYING ass in court.... Alex Jones Fails To Stop Sandy Hook Parents’ Defamation Case A judge ruled against the Infowars host, who had argued his repeated attacks on the grieving parents were protected by the First Amendment. .

Are you shittin’ me?

Dotard is SO pissed about Mueller’s probe, whose ‘witch hunt’ has a wall full of trophies already, he’s talking about firing even MORE of the people involved, cuz they are getting closer and closer. "Our Justice Department and our FBI, they have to start doing their job and doing it right and doing it now. People are angry. People are angry. What's happening is a disgrace. "At some point, if it doesn't straighten out properly — I want them to do their job — I will get involved, and I'll get in there if I have to. . . . Disgraceful." SOOO, Dotard, you’re gonna fire EVERYONE investigating you and your henchmen?

Just some facts here, not Fake News...

Dotard was supposed to be a Great Businessman, but the stupid SOB couldn’t even make it with the Taj Mahal, in Atlantic City, where the house has a YUUUGE advantage. The incompetent jerk went bankrupt, stealing all the money, leaving the little people ‘holding the bag’, while a business that makes money for anyone that ‘has a clue’ can make a killing. Dotard lost his ass, in the only gambling casinos in the area. Does that tell you anything, rightwingnutjobs? Now he’s in charge of our country, (thanks a bunch), wher we can’t just ‘declare bankruptcy’, which is his ‘thing’. Thanks a bunch, gullible jerks(R), who put this incompetent, Russian backed a-hole ‘in charge’.

Wow, as we see John McCain’s funeral, we are reminded of the difference

between a true patriot and man of HONOR, vs the jackhole president who WASN’T INVITED, for good reason. There couldn’t be a greater difference between an amazing man like John McCain, who was a true Maverick, in the best sense of the term, who always kept his country first, vs an incompetent LYING POS who is all about HIMSELF. Although a lifelong Repub, John reached across the aisle to do what’s right, instead of blindly following  party dogma, like most of the jerks(R). John McCain vs Donald Trump, like Abe Lincoln vs Bozo the Insane Clown. Welcome to the circus....

In the insane world of Repub politics,

They are SO worried (FOX and Louie Gohmert going ballistic) that Hillary’s emails were hacked by China, (no evidence), but don’t give a shit that Russia hacked into our presidential election and put their incompetent, egotistical LYING choice for the US prez into the White House. Russia influencing our election?  No Problem... Hillary ‘maybe’ getting hacked? (what harm IF it happened?) OMG! LOCK HER UP!, in the insane world of Bullshit Mountain and the sheep who graze there....

The world benchmark, Brent Crude oil continued it’s YUUUUGE climb

closing at over $77/barrel, up from approx $52/ barrel, when Dotard tossed out the Iran Deal, and started sanctions against one of the world’s largest oil producers. Yup, the Orange Clown gave almost everyone, (but mostly the rich), a small unpaid for tax break, BUT, those savings are WAY MORE than made up for by everyone who buys gasoline, travels in an airplane, gets products from trucking or uses oil in any way. Just like Bush/Cheney cost US consumers hundreds of $BILLIONS as they took their family business from under $14 to over $140/barrel, (using LIES, the Pub’s favorite tactic) the Orange Clown is costing all of us YUUUUGE money with his dumbshit moves on the world oil market, and: THIS ISN’T EVEN COUNTING  the YUUUUGE increases in steel, alum, cars, electronics, appliances, etc. that the dumbshit is coasting/gonna cost us with his asinine TARIFFS, with another $200 MILLION against China that the incompetent a-hole announced today. China WILL reciprocate and the ‘Trade ...

In the Liar in Chief’s’ campaign to convince the sheep that

’truth isn’t truth’, there are ‘alternative facts’, and ‘what you’re seeing and hearing isn’t real’, IT”S WORKING, for the gullible clueless sheep, as their fearless leader, like ‘the man behind the curtain, in OZ’, tells them not to believe ANYTHING, unless it comes from HIM, truly a Pathological LIAR, or from FOX ‘news’, his official ‘state media’. Like I said, it’s working, as Dotard has convinced MOST of  his gullible minions that whatever he/they don’t wanna hear is Fake News, and now he has the clueless morons convinced that Google and other social media is ‘rigged/fixed’ cuz it doesn’t give the answers he/they wanna hear. Sickening, but just part of the ‘mind control’ practiced by the Liar in Chief over his gullible minions who won’t admit their boy is a LYING sack o’ shit, as Google, Facebook and Twitter are based on logarithms that are ‘fixed’ and based on usage, but that doesn’t stop Dotard from ‘makin’ up shit’, and complaining cuz the facts don’t fit his wishes.... ...

He’s not perfect, (none of us are), but Lindsay Graham is a pretty good guy, for a REpub

And he had some good words (which reminded me of Dotard, ‘I know words, I have the best words’) in an interview this morning. There is only one person in the United States who can clear President Donald Trump of accusations of Russian collusion during his presidential race, and that's special counsel Robert Mueller, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday. "As long as I'm around, I'll remind him of how this game plays," the South Carolina Republican told  "CBS This Morning"  co-host John Dickerson.  "I've been involved in the impeachment of [President Bill] Clinton. I understand the process pretty well. Here is what I'll tell the president: There is no scenario where you can end this investigation, the Mueller investigation, through some political intrigue, and survive. That's the end of you. The only person in America that can clear Donald Trump is [special counsel Robert] Mueller."

One more post on Dotard’s latest LIE, about NBC ‘fudging’ the Lester Holt interview

Donald Trump just keeps claiming things he said on tape aren't real In his THOUSANDS of LIES, this is one of the easiest to disprove, not that it makes any difference to his ‘head up their ass’ crowd, who swallows the LIES from Dotard and FOX. Look, don't believe me? Watch the tape. See if there is ANY evidence that the exchange above is in any way, shape or form has been altered at all by NBC. I've watched it 20-plus times. There is ZERO evidence of any doctoring. Then, use your rational brain. And ask your brain these questions: 1) Would NBC really risk its credibility by "fudging" a taped interview between the President of the United States and its lead nightly news anchor? 2) If Trump had actual evidence_ (he doesn't)_ of a major broadcast network changing the nature of an answer he gave on something as consequential as the firing of Comey, why would he wait for 15 months to break that news?_ (He wouldn't, of course.)_ What Trump is doing ...

In his continuing campaign of LIES against mainstream media, cuz he knows what’s coming up, and wants to discredit them

The Liar in Chief claimed CBS and Lester Holt ‘fudged’ his interview, but listed ZERO proof, and when the White House was asked about it, they had no response, BUT, I’m sure the sheep swallowed the crap, ‘like they always do’. I hope NBC stands up to the LYING POS, like CNN did. In a series of tweets Thursday morning, the president railed against the media and took aim at NBC, seeming to accuse the network of "fudging" an interview he gave last year,  just days after he abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey. Trump offered no proof of the claim.  “Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie. We report the news. And we report when people in power tell lies. CNN stands by our reporting and our reporters. There may be many fools in this story but @carlbernstein is not one of them,” CNN’s public relations department sent. 

Dotard is a ‘Fear-monger’, in every sense of the word, and the sheep are his perfect disciples

During the presidential campaign, in the spring of 2016, the Republican front-runner Donald Trump sat down for  an interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa  of The Washington Post. They quoted President Barack Obama on global power and foreign affairs saying that “real power means you can get what you want without having to exert violence.” They then asked Trump if he agreed. Trump responded:  “Well, I think there’s a certain truth to that. I think there’s a certain truth to that. Real power is through respect. Real power is, I don’t even want to use the word, fear.” Woodward made “ Fear ” the title of his forthcoming book about Trump. Trump tells his followers about all the things of which they should be afraid, or shouldn’t trust or should hate, and then positions himself as the greatest defense against those things. His supporters roar their approval at their white knight. Fear is the poison-tipped arrow in Trump’s quiver. He launches it when...

Dotard figures he has to do SOMETHING as all the stories of his LIES and incompetence come out,

SOOO, he’s ‘killing the messenger’, with a wide scattershot attack at ALL media, except FOX of course, his own ‘state media’, (should be in pink kimonos, like Kim Jong Un’s professional liars). The Liar in Chief can’t possibly keep up with ALL the charges/indictments/firings/leaks/stories of incompetence, SOO, he just slings wide ranging Tweets about ALL media being FAKE and ‘making up stories’. Ha, he oughta know. And the gullible sheep probably swallow it, but even THEY, the most clueless among us must be wondering, as Robert Mueller has to be getting CLOSE. And if we’re talking credibility, who yagonna choose? Carl Bernstein or the LIAR in Chief? Bernstein, who took down Nixon, has a book coming out soon that’s gonna FRY the Orange Clown. I can hardly wait.....

Someone’s LYING, and it’s either the LIAR in Chief, or CNN and Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame

Any of you gullible, clueless rightwingnuts wanna bet on who it is? I remember the last LYING Repub prez (Tricky Dicky) that got into it with Bernstein. This is gonna be MUCH worse (more fun). Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie," read a tweet on the CNN Communications Twitter account. "We report the news. And we report when people in power tell lies. CNN stands by our reporting and our reporters. There may be many fools in this story but @carlbernstein is not one of them." Bernstein tweeted: ".@realdonaIdtrump- I have spent my life as a journalist bringing the truth to light, through administrations of both parties. No taunt will diminish my commitment to that mission, which is the essential role of a free press. @CNN stands by its story, and I stand by my reporting." Read Newsmax:  Trump: Watergate Reporter Carl Bernstein 'Making Up Story After Story' |

No wonder Dotard is hitting the campaign trail so hard....

Remember what sent Al Capone to prison? Democrats Are Going To Get Trump’s Tax Returns If They Win The House “You’re damn right,” one Democrat said. By Paul Blumenthal If Democrats win control of the House in November they will finally have the votes to force an issue they’ve been hammering for nearly two years: Making President Donald Trump disclose his tax returns.

It seems a LONG time ago, that I didn’t wake up every morning, thinking,

What did the Orange Clown do THIS time? What country did he piss off? Who is he insulting on Twitter? What new charges have been brought against him and/or his henchmen? What is he LYING about today? What part of the Emoluments Clause is he violating today? What’s Bullshit Mountain gonna blame on Hillary today? What member of Dotard’s staff is gonna quit or be forced to resign? What REALLY STUPID BULLSHIT is Rudy gonna say today? What member of Agent Arange’s Cabinet is gonna sell out to Big Money/Banks/Oil? What Bimbo has new evidence/charges? Which minority is Dotard gonna ‘dis’ today? How has he kissed Putin’s ass today? How is Dotard gonna bamboozle the ‘Religious Community’, as he LIES, cheats, and grabs pussy? OR, what totally NEW surprise does the vain, incompetent LIAR in Chief have for us today?

With ALL the Trump bullshit going on, guess what the lead headline is on FOX?

Yup, it’s Hillary’s e-mails, which MAY have been stolen by China, according to a right-wing ‘source’. And you wonder why the rightwingnuts who swallow Bullshiit Mountain ‘news’ are so clueless, gullible and uninformed? Just look at what’s REALLY going on,then visit FOX. Asked and answered......

Pubs love to think, we’re the smart ones, and the richest,

taking care of those damn Blue States with our tax dollars, cuz that’s what they’re taught from the Propaganda network where they get their ‘news’ (propaganda), which also assures them Climate Change is a Liberal hoax, and Dotard is a ‘Christian’, who deserves their vote. But, nothing could be further from the truth. In the latest Federal Study, published by WalletHub, the top ten states RECEIVING Federal aid are ALL Red States, with nearly all of them clustered in the Repub ‘Bible Belt’ where education is an afterthought and a YUUUGE number couldn’t even survive without their welfare checks and food stamps, provided by the Blue States, which are nine of the top ten PAYERS into the system. Don’t believe it, Google WalletHub or this article.... Some facts speak volumes, and this is one of them. The Blue states SUBSIDIZE the Red states. That tell you anything, rightwingnuts? 2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States Aug 20, 2018  |  John S Kiernan , S...

OMG! The gullible sheep swallow it, and they’ll be preaching to the rest of the clueless clowns who swallow the crap from the Liar in Chief.

Dotard is playing them like a Player Piano, and they swallow it all, from the profane Pussy Grabber. In a closed-door  meeting with evangelical leaders Monday night , President Donald Trump repeated his debunked claim that he had gotten "rid of" a law forbidding churches and charitable organizations from endorsing political candidates, according to recorded excerpts reviewed by NBC News. In fact, the law remains on the books, after efforts to kill it in Congress last year failed. But Trump cited this alleged accomplishment as one in a series of gains he has made for his conservative Christian supporters, as he warned, "You're one election away from losing everything that you've got," and said their opponents were "violent people" who would overturn these gains "violently." Trump addressed the law and the upcoming midterms in private remarks Monday during  a dinner with evangelical supporters  at  the White House  after t...

Because it was senior Tuesday at the movies, we saw ‘Crazy Rich Asians’

and it was really good. All the reviews were very positive (93% Rotten Tomatoes), SOOO, we gave a chance and really enjoyed it. Saw a whole different world, as in the High End of Singapore. WOW, not only a good travel show, but a good, CInderella-type story that somehow worked. Not sure if it’s for everyone, as in Pubs who hate all ‘non-whites’, but a good escape on a summer afternoon. AND, was fun to go to P F Chang’s for Happy Hour after, cuz all that Chinese food in the movie looked really good.

Scary, but SO true! (Scroll past empty ad space in middle)

What if Trump Did Actually Shoot Someone on Fifth Avenue? Your vote in the midterms matters, because Republicans in Congress won’t restrain the president’s excesses.  By  Thomas L. Friedman  –  NEW YORK TIMES Opinion Columnist Aug. 28, 2018 Sept. 3 (AP) — President Trump stopped his motorcade in Manhattan today, jumped out of his limousine and shot a man on Fifth Avenue who was shouting anti-Trump epithets. The shooting was recorded by the White House press pool as well as by dozens of bystanders with cellphones and by security cameras in the area. When asked for his reaction, House Speaker Paul Ryan said,  “ We will need more information than is available at this point.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said through pursed lips that he  “ was not going to comment on every up and down with this president. ” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said he already had information indicating that the man whom Trump shot  ...

Oh really? This is news, that Trump is nuts?

“Trump Is Nuts. This Time Really Feels Different”: Trump Rejects “War Council” Intervention, Goes It Alone With his closest allies defecting, the president increasingly trusts only his instincts. He “got joy” from stripping former C.I.A. director John Brennan’s security clearance. And after betrayals by Allen Weisselberg and David Pecker, a former White House official says, Trump “spent the weekend calling people and screaming.” According to a White House source, Gen John Kelly finally got him to lower the flags on the White House to half mast, after the president had ordered them ‘raised’, on Monday morning.

Don’t like the numbers? Just make up new ones, reversing the actual results

is what a LYING POS would do, and SURPRISE, that’s exactly what Dotard did in a Tweet this morning. Trump Misquotes Approval Rating, Cites Disapproval Rating The Wall Street Journal and NBC News poll the president quoted actually says his overall approval rating is 44 percent and his disapproval rating is 52 percent. By Jenna Amatulli

SURPRISE, Dotard chose Big Money over students, and it’s gonna cost ‘em, YUUUUGELY...

EDUCATION  08/27/2018 11:27 am ET Nation’s Top Student Loan Official Resigns “The damage you have done to the Bureau betrays these families and sacrifices the financial futures of millions of Americans in communities across the country,” Seth Frotman said. NEW YORK — The top government official overseeing the $1.5 trillion student loan market resigned Monday, citing what he says is the White House’s open hostility toward protecting the nation’s millions of student loan borrowers. Seth Frotman will be stepping down from his position as student loan ombudsman at the end of the week, according to his resignation letter which was obtained by The Associated Press. He held that position since 2016.

Couldn’t have said it better myself

Do you know what a monumental POS you have to be to be banned from two funerals, within your own party, in one year? Trump was banned from the funeral of Barbara Bush and John McCain because they didn’t want his obnoxious presence at their final send off. John McCain, a truly great AMerican, regardless of party affiliation. Donald Trump, truly a PIG, no mater what party affiliation.

Something to look forward to...

Former Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), issued more than 100 subpoenas to the Obama administration. To date, Gowdy has issued a grand total of zero subpoenas to the Trump administration. The OGR Republicans have refused to hold the Trump administration to the same standard of oversight we established during the Obama presidency. The committee’s Republicans have cravenly abdicated their oversight responsibilities, choosing instead to look the other way despite exhaustive displays of waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement. But thanks to voters and Elijah Cummings, that might change. If Democrats retake the majority in November, the Trump administration will be put on trial and the full scope of its corruption will be exposed. Cummings is a forceful speaker and a deliberate operator. He cannot be bullied or intimidated. He will not be goaded into making a mistake. He has the tools and the authority to compel cooperation and documents. Unlike special counsel Robert Mueller, he canno...

So true, The proud old GOP is gone, hijacked by an Orange Clown, who is dragging the office DOWN, to his leve.

John McCain's death is a metaphor for the death of the old Republican Party The Editorial Board, USA TODAY Published 9:38 p.m. ET Aug. 25, 2018 Like all heroes, the Arizona senator and ex-POW had his flaws. But the GOP 'maverick' served as a beacon in a troubling time, as the current Republican Party repudiates all US Intel and sides with a Russian dictator, who openly admits influencing our election.

As we contemplate the life and death of a true Amercain hero,

We see the YUUUGE differences betweeen a life well and honorably lived, and the PIG in the White House, who prefers heroes who WEREN”T captured. This from the LYING POS, Capt Bone Spurs., who wouldn’t even mention McCain’s name, as he read the highlights of the latest defense bill which was named in his honor. I didn’t always agree with McCain, esp when he (or rather ‘the party’) picked the scatterbrained, incompetent ‘stupid bitch’ from Alaska as his running. As he said later, ‘I was way behind at that point and needed a miracle’. Sarah Palin wasn’t it, which was obvious from the time she opened her big mouth and started spouting her ignorant rhetoric, swallowed by the same gullible sheep who keep FOXLies in business,, but laughed at by the people ‘who actually READ newspapers and could name at least ONE, unlike Stupiid Sarah, in the ‘Gotcha’ interview by Katy when she asked her to name ONE news source she read. Sarah couldn’t..... Bottom line, Dotard doesn’t deserve to carry Mc...