Just some facts here, not Fake News...

Dotard was supposed to be a Great Businessman, but the stupid SOB couldn’t even make it with the Taj Mahal, in Atlantic City, where the house has a YUUUGE advantage.
The incompetent jerk went bankrupt, stealing all the money, leaving the little people ‘holding the bag’, while a business that makes money for anyone that ‘has a clue’ can make a killing.
Dotard lost his ass, in the only gambling casinos in the area.
Does that tell you anything, rightwingnutjobs?
Now he’s in charge of our country, (thanks a bunch), wher we can’t just ‘declare bankruptcy’, which is his ‘thing’.
Thanks a bunch, gullible jerks(R), who put this incompetent, Russian backed a-hole ‘in charge’.


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