Has anyone else noticed? The price of gas keeps going UP,

while the price of oi keeps going DOWN?
Yup, Pubs and Big Oi, exactly the kind of swamp mates in the kind of swamp that Dotard promised to drain, continue to gouge consumers, just CUZ THEY CAN, and we get no protection from it.
Usuallly they us an excuse like refinery fires, or hurricane or SOMETHING, but this time it’s just GREED, that transfers BILLIONS from the driving public, to Big Oil’s accounts.
Nothing new here, but this is pretty blatant, with the ONLY half-assed excuse being Dotards tariffs and his sanctions on Iran.
As if Big Defense wasn’t bad enough, without Big Oil jumping in, on top of tariffs on steel and aluminum adding WAY more to expenses than Dotard’s tax break gave.


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