Life ain’t fair, cuz Capt Bone Spurs, who said, ‘I like guys who WEREN”T captured’,

outlives a true American hero, John McCain, one of the ONLY Repubs who put morals and truth above being ‘elected again’. Like the Pub a-holes who accept Dotard’s bullshit, rather than having a spine, and standing up to his crap.
Bottom line, history will show the jerks(R) as the traitors they are, while John McCain died a ‘hero’ at a time when the term is tossed around WAY TOO MUCH, as in ANYONE who dies while wearing ANY uniform....
You think Dotard can read from a pre-written statement that gives McCain the respect he deserves, as the Liar in Chief pretends to care?
Screw him and the sheep he rode in on....
Remember when the Pubs respected war heroes, the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA and all US intel, instead of kissing the ass of a Russian ‘plant’, as per ‘all of the above’?
Seems like forever, right?


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