Yahoo. I discovered something that works.

I stopped using rush uh and/or poo ten in my blog, esp headings, and I’m down to only about a hundred hits from ‘them’ per day.
I’m sure the rightwingnuts have NO IDEA how ‘those guys’ troll our social media, asp during an election, but when you can SEE the source of the hits like I can, you understand HOW we got a clown like Dotard as prez.
If I can get hit hundreds of times, how about potential voters in an aelection where poo ten admitted, in front of the world, they want Agent Orange as prez.
Remember LONG AGO, when the Pubs would choose US Inte , like the CIA, FBI, NSA and ALL the others over a Pathological LIAR from NYC who admits LYING is his main method (Read his book).
Bottom line, Dotard is just being Doatrd, BUT, to fool a third of the US?
Thanks again Roger Ailes and Bullshit Mountain, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party..
SURPRISE, it’s the same crowd who believes in talking snakes, Noahs Arc and burning in the Lake of Fire, for eternity, unless you’re a Repub, and ‘other reasons’.
Could I PLEASE get a mailing list, to sell them bridges and swamp land?


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