First of all, let me admit I HATE Hitler comparisons of any kind

BUT, having 50% German blood in my veins, I’ve always wondered, ‘WTF happened, that Hitler could take over an entire country like Germany, and I’ve been somewhat ashamed of my German heritage, claiming to be Swedish, which I am.
The WWII museum in New Orleans, rated in the top three IN THE WORLD, has a great section on ‘Propaganda’ that explains how an a-hole like Adolph could take over an entire country.
He took over the ‘media’ first, eliminating those who disagreed with him (Fake News?), and convinced the ‘sheep’ that they were the ‘elite race’ (white), and immigrants, esp Jews, were BAD, stoking populism and militarism, LYING to the people, as they swallowed it cuz he said what they wanted to hear.
Now I see ‘otherwise good people’ falling for the propaganda (FOXLies) and an A-hole like Donald Trump taking over our country.
How can you avoid the Hitler comparison?
I’m sure (or HOPE) my ancestors were ‘duped’, just like the FOX sheep, who think they are ‘patriotic’ by supporting the Pussy Grabber, BUT, it’s hard to excuse that kind of gullibility/ignorance.

Looking back on Germany/Hitler and US/Trump it’s impossible to ignore the similarity, as our country sinks to his level, while good people bury their heads, DEEP in their asses and excuse everything, cuz HE”S A REPUBLICAN!
Bottom line, history will tell, just like it does as we look back at Germany, 1930’s......
MAGA hats will be treated like Swastikas, as the next generation wonders, ‘How COULD you?’
The answer? FOXNews, as Karl Rove’s plan come to fruition.
‘We are patriotic Church People’, OF COURSE we vote Republican!
OR, we are hopelessly gullible sheep, falling the official Repub ‘line’, as DOTARD becomes president’
God forgive them, ..... cuz I sure won’t.
‘How could we have POSSIBLY known, the LYING Pussy Grabber was a BAD guy?


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