The world benchmark, Brent Crude oil continued it’s YUUUUGE climb

closing at over $77/barrel, up from approx $52/ barrel, when Dotard tossed out the Iran Deal, and started sanctions against one of the world’s largest oil producers.
Yup, the Orange Clown gave almost everyone, (but mostly the rich), a small unpaid for tax break, BUT, those savings are WAY MORE than made up for by everyone who buys gasoline, travels in an airplane, gets products from trucking or uses oil in any way.
Just like Bush/Cheney cost US consumers hundreds of $BILLIONS as they took their family business from under $14 to over $140/barrel, (using LIES, the Pub’s favorite tactic) the Orange Clown is costing all of us YUUUUGE money with his dumbshit moves on the world oil market, and:
THIS ISN’T EVEN COUNTING  the YUUUUGE increases in steel, alum, cars, electronics, appliances, etc. that the dumbshit is coasting/gonna cost us with his asinine TARIFFS, with another $200 MILLION against China that the incompetent a-hole announced today.
China WILL reciprocate and the ‘Trade War’ that EVERY competent economist, (unlike Navarro, who is Trump’s boy) says is a terrible idea.
You gullible FOXSheep should be SO proud of yourselves as you take the tiny tax break and get ripped off YUUUGELY for nearly everything you buy.
Remember filling up the car for $32?
Thanks again, clueless idiots..... 


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