Probably the best example ever, of how FOX ‘spins’ the news, to make it unrecognizable

for their gullible ignorant sheep.
The ‘real’ news interviewed a juror from the Paul Manafort trial who explained that ELEVEN of the twelve jurors wanted a unanimous GUILTY plea, on ALL charges, nearly from the beginning of deliberations.
BUT, there was ONE holdout, a woman who refused to reason with, or even discuss the evidence.
She just sat back and said ‘reasonable doubt’ no matter the other jurors said or did, as they showed her flow charts and evidence.
Four days later the stupid bitch FUINALLY caved and agreed to eight of the eighteen charges, enough for a meaningful conviction.

BUT, in the Bizarro world of Bullshit Mountain the headlines were all about making the one, illogical holdout the HEROINE, in a world where everyone PICKS ON guilty people(R).

For the gullible sheep who who only read head;ines, I’m sure they got the news that FOX wanted, and ignored the facts, which is the PURPOSE of Bullshit Mountaiin.

Manafort juror: Mueller team's star witness 'deserves a special place in Hell'


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