In the middle of a YUUUGE Tweetstorm, attacking nearly everyone,

Dotard took a break, to GRADE himself as a president, and SURPRISE!
He gave himself an A+.
Yup, in the eyes of the Liar in Chief, while everyone around him is quitting, taking plea deals, being found guilty, being under indictment or iinvestigation and while our (former) allies HATE him, and an international trade war is starting to gain steam, after his tariffs that ZERO qualified economists agree with, the Orange Clown gave himself an A PLUS!
You can’t make this stuff up, BUT, after the vain, arrogant, incompetent jackhole DONALD F’ING TRUMP took office, as President of the United States, nothing can shock anymore....

And then there’s Sarah Suckabee Sanders, full of Sarah Sucka BS, but never mind, nothing new here...


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