The Pubs love to say we are ‘overtaxed’, and wants the govt OUT of our lives

BUT, a new study by the Wall St Journal shows that the five ‘happiest’ countries in the world are MUCH higher taxed, and those taxes buy health care are and free ‘higher education’, both of which are a chance to’rape’ somebody with life long killer bills in the US, where one unfortunate accident or illness can cripple you financially, forever. And the health care isn’t even that good.
And then there’s student loans, OMG!.....
In northern Europe, where higher taxes take care of health and education, we find the happiest, healthiest and best educated people in the world who take the longest vacations and enjoy ‘parental leave’.
Looking at the study, I’m sure the Pubs scream ‘fake news’, cuz it’s against everything they’ve ever preached.
BUT, ‘truth IS truth’ no matter how much the jerks(R) would like you to think otherwise.
Just ask the people of Denmark, Switzerland, Norway Finland and Iceland , who LOVE their highly taxed lives and highly fulfilling lives, compared to the US, the ONLY major country in the word without heath care for it’s citizens.
BUT, the Pubs make sure we have the largest, most BLOATED military in the world, that gets bigger every year, larger then the next 9 nations COMBINED, and the Pubs always want MORE.
Just one more reason, in a YUUUUUGE list, why I can’t stand em....


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