Some people ask ‘why do you have to call them(R) morons?

For many reasons, the first is it’s MY blog and I post on it to unload, AND I don’t send it to ANYONE.
They lurk here.
Also, if anyone can look at the election and not relaize, OR DON’T CARE, that Dotard was elected with the help of Russia, they’re a moron.
AND, if they can hear all his LIES, and not realize, or DON”T CARE, they’re a moron’.
If anyone can look at all of Dotards’ friends, business associates and ‘criminal henchmen’, and either not realize what a bunch of CROOKS they are, or DON”T CARE, they’re a moron.
I could go on and on, but you understand.
Unless you’re a moron....
Most of all, I call them morons, because they are MORONS....


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