Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but we have decide not to drive NEW cars

Cuz it’s the money we save on taxes, license plates (more taxes), insurance and depreciation, we can do a NICE European vacation, and a late winter ‘all inclusive’ vacay to a beach in Mexico.
This year’s ‘savings’ are going toward a ‘heritage’ trip to Sweden, and Scanadanavia where our ancestors came from.
Ain’t gonna be cheap, but the kids don’t need our money, and who really needs a ‘new’ car?
The other reason the sheep don’t ‘travel’, other they can’t afford it?
Just the thought of ‘leaving the couch’ where they get the ‘comforting’ propaganda’ from FOXLies iis kinda scary.
OMG, what IF????
‘We’ll just stay here on the couch, honey’, and listen to Sean, where the bad guys can’t hurt us, cuz you know, according to FOX, the world is a VERY SCARY place, so put your head up your ass, where it’s SAFE.
And that’s the YUUUGE difference between the SHEEP and ‘world citizens’, where we happen to live.
Bottom line, screw the Pubs and their ‘scare tactics’, which work SO WELL for the HUTA sheep.
Gotta get out my Antii-Trump buttons so I can be welcomed, not as an Ugly American, but one of the 2/3 who got hi-jacked by the low-info FOXSheep, who swallow the official line, from Bullshit Mountain.


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