There’s a common question that the 2/3 of us ask about the 1/3

Are they REALLY that stupid, or do they ‘just not care’ as long as the ass in the White House chair is a Repub?
And I do mean ASS.
Do they swallow the LIES, or just not care he’s a LIAR?
DO they look at th Pussy Grabber’s exploits and think, “Wow, COOL’.
I wish I was such a stud, and cheat on wife, and just LIE my way out of it, paying hundreds of thousands to bimbos and porn stars, while my wife is home with my kid.
AND, I’m a professing Christian, who is the worst HYPOCRITE on the planet, but, ‘Hey, he’s a Republican, so I don’t give a shit!’
Who knows what these a-ho;es think, IF they think, beyond the FOX mantra,
Dems BAD—-Pubs GOOD!
Screw ‘em, there’s a reckoning coming, and we’ll see who’s on the right side of history, just like Viet Nam and Iraq, as the Repub a-holes are exposed by history and facts.
Not that the gullible HYPOCRITES give a shit, or have a clue..
They just call it ‘Fake News’ when they don’t like it.


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