Maybe there IS a good, and He (She) is paying atention

It rained as John McCain’s casket was carried into the Rotunda, and it seemed like GOd was shedding tears.
Sorta like when Dotard was giving his presidential oath, and God was also crying.
At least that’s how it seems, as we have the polar opposites in human beings and politicians. One is a patriot, sho serves others with honesty and decency.
And we also have the Liar in Chief, thanks to Comey, Putin, FOX and the sheep.
Thanks, again.....

This just in:
According to a new ABC/Washington Post poll, President Trump’s disapproval rating has hit a new high.
Sixty percent of the 1,003 adults surveyed said they disapprove of the president’s job performance, with 53 percent saying they do so strongly.
Trump also hit a new low with an approval rating of only 36 percent. 


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