I love watching ‘International House Hunters’, and now they are in Switzerland

home of international banking, where they have avoided ‘RELIGIOUS WARS’ since the beginning of time, as the ‘religious’  have killed each other for centuries, in Holy Wars, while their leaders just banked their money, as the the zealots paid 10% to save their souls, and gave their estates to save themselves from ‘burning in Hell, forever’.
Their money went to the Vatican, and Switzerland, where they are famously NOT religious, while the sheep were pawns in the hands of leaders who banked the profits, for CENTURIES!
Duh, who da guessed?
Reminds me of a Christmas Eve, where my mother conned me out of the cash in my wallet, acting like she knew some ‘poor, deserving  people’ who were less fortunate, ‘and it’s Christmas!’.
I found out later she sent it to Jim and Tammie Baker, probably spent on their fifth Rolls Royce, while others bilked her out of THOUSANDS, I learned of later, as her executor.
Bottom line, it was her money to do with as she wished, BUT, c’mon, Orel Roberts, Jimmy Swaggert and Jim/Tammie Baker?
And yup, my folks voted straight Repub, using the same ‘mental acuity’ they used with TV evangelists, (but we’ve always done it this way’) as they switched between FOXNews and Pat Robertson’s  ‘700 Club’, and other TV ‘predators’,  innocent and sincere, but gullible, and ripe for the picking.
BTW, am currently reading ‘The Road to Jerusalem’, about the  Holy Crusades, as the church sent the wealthy landowners to war, to save their souls (all sins forgiven) for generations, then confiscated their wealth and property when they didn’t return.
If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, like SO MUCH in the world today, as the Christian/Pubs are led by PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, the NYC conman, and LYING Pussy Grabber(R).


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