Amongst the stories of ‘worst ever’ California (and the entire west)) fires

While Lake Meade and Lake Powell, (the main water storage in the West) is drying up, and the Colorado River is at record low flows, Dotard is firing up several old coal plants, with ZERO pollution controls, instead of using cleaner and cheaper natural gas, which doesn’t destroy our environment and cause the droughts, cuz of the PROVEN ‘Greenhouse Effect’ produced by dirty emissions.
WHY? Other than he’s just an idiot?
It was something Obama did, to fight climate change, which the anti-science, low intellect morons who support the Liar in Chief, refuse to admit, while swallowing the crap from the clowns at FOX, instead of believing the 97% of Climatologists who actually STUDY the problem.
And, the Orange Clown has to coddle his Bible Belt base, where the smoke belching plants use the coal dug up by workers who should be getting training for a 21st century job, instead of polluting the air and water for the rest of us.
And you wonder WHY I can’t stand the jerks(R)?

Tucked inside the Trump administration’s plan to ease carbon dioxide limits is a change that could breathe new life into scores of aging coal-fired power plants.
Experts say the shift could also unleash an additional tens of thousands of tons of nitrogen oxide emissions into the air each year.


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