Let’s pretend, you’re kept in the dark and fed bullshit,

That would make you a mushroom spore OR, more likely, a FOX sheep.
Let’s pretend the ONLY news you get is PRO Repub and/or ANTI Dem.
Hmmm, sound familiar ?
Let’s pretend you get your news from a network created by Roger Ailes, head of the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party?
Hmmm, you think you are informed?
Or a carefully primed receptacle of Repub Bullshit”
Hmmm, that’s a tough one....
Either 90+% of news is LIES, or the 10% from Bullshit Mountain.
Hmmm, what you think, ignorant sheep?
WTF am I thinking? Sheep thinking?
ORRRR, do they just swallow FOXCrap?
Hmmm, what you think, idiots(R)?
Can you imagine if I quoted MSNBC and expected you to believe?
Oh, but that’s DIFFERENT, gullible idiots(R)....


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