Telluride, CO, is famous for many things, incl the waterfall above town

BUT, this year it has dried up, for the first time any of the locals can remember.
Rush and Sean assure us (and the sheep swallow it), that climate change is a ‘Liberal Plot’.
The good news?
SW Colorado is the source of water for Phoenix and Las Vegas, home of a YUUUGE number of rightwingnuts.
Too bad, idiots.
You’re gonna lose YUUUGE property value, and running water, from a Liberal Plot.
Too bad, gullible sheep, as your boy pulled the US out of the ‘World Wide’ (except for US)
efforts to fight the problem.
Really hard to feel sorry for the ignorant minions.
Maybe they’ll FINALLY understand, when Lake Powell and Lake Meade are dry.
Too bad....


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