As we contemplate the life and death of a true Amercain hero,

We see the YUUUGE differences betweeen a life well and honorably lived, and the PIG in the White House, who prefers heroes who WEREN”T captured. This from the LYING POS, Capt Bone Spurs., who wouldn’t even mention McCain’s name, as he read the highlights of the latest defense bill which was named in his honor.
I didn’t always agree with McCain, esp when he (or rather ‘the party’) picked the scatterbrained, incompetent ‘stupid bitch’ from Alaska as his running.
As he said later, ‘I was way behind at that point and needed a miracle’.
Sarah Palin wasn’t it, which was obvious from the time she opened her big mouth and started spouting her ignorant rhetoric, swallowed by the same gullible sheep who keep FOXLies in business,, but laughed at by the people ‘who actually READ newspapers and could name at least ONE, unlike Stupiid Sarah, in the ‘Gotcha’ interview by Katy when she asked her to name ONE news source she read. Sarah couldn’t.....
Bottom line, Dotard doesn’t deserve to carry McCain’s boots, but will be forced to read some phony Repub tribute to a guy that looked at what the party had become and said  F**k You.
One of John’s last requests was to keep the Orange Clown away from his funeral and I’m sure his family will honor his wishes.
Bottom line, looking at a strong, honest patriot, compared to the current Asshole in Chief makes you wonder.
WTF happened?
Oh yeah, FOXLies and sheep who swallow them....


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