Earlier, I mentioned the book

about the Repub 'War on Science', and I got curious. Here's the Wikipedia review

The Republican War on Science

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Republican War on Science is a book by Chris C. Mooney, an American journalist who focuses on the politics of science policy. In the book, Mooney discusses the Republican Party leadership's stance on science, and in particular that of the George W. Bush administration, with regard to issues such as global warming, the creation–evolution controversy, bioethics, alternative medicine, pollution, separation of church and state, and the government funding of education, research, and environmental protection. The book argues that the administration regularly puts politics ahead of science, for their own agenda.
Duh. Who da thunk? I would bet, that if there were a way to measure 'Scientific IQ', the average Repub would be 10-20 points below the ave Dem. Not kidding, at all, cuz, cuz like GW, they rely on 'their gut', instead of their brain, and they know what they WANT to be true. Facts be damned.


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