It didn't take the right wingnuts long,

before the daddy of all nutjobs, Rush Limbaugh, floated a conspiracy theory concerning the Malaysian airliner which was shot down. It's all a mainstream media stunt, to get the heat off Obama and 'his border scandal', which is just as much, or MORE a Repub problem. Don't believe anyone could be so 'low' or stupid?, then you don't know Rush and the sheep. Read it here:

Rush Limbaugh couldn't help himself on Thursday after news broke that a Malaysian Airlines jet had crashed in eastern Ukraine.
The radio show host called the disaster "an opportunity" for media outlets to distract viewers from the controversy surrounding President Obama and US border security. He suspected that CNN had already swept the immigration crisis under the rug and retreated back to its "wall-to-wall" coverage of the plane.
Limbaugh called the whole thing "very eery."
"Talk about an opportunity to abandon the bad Obama news at the border," he said.

Just when you think they can't get any worse, they always do.


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