Let's just pretend,

that your family had lived on the Pacific coast of Southern California, or the Mediteranean, (like Gaza) for over 100 generations. THEN, after WWII, some committee that you didn't recognize, for a religion you didn't believe in. told you to LEAVE, and move into the desert of Utah. How do you think you would react? My mother, a devout Christian never understood it, but I do. I would probably fight, to my last breath, just like the Palestinians. BUT, the Christians claim,' God is on my sid'e, as religious people do/always have, and it makes sense to them. Sorry, but I can relate to the people who were uprooted, in the name of 'religion', just as I can relate to the ones who were finally given a 'home', though it should have been in Germany, or somewhere close to it. If it were my ancestral home, I'd fight too, no matter what the local political/religious leaders say, cuz I love my family and respect property rights. That's just me...


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