How many people realize

how well ACA, Obamacare, is doing? Not many, esp not the sheep at Bullshit Mountain, because it’s largely slipping under the radar.
How is that possible? Think relentless negativity without accountability. The Affordable Care Act has faced nonstop attacks from partisans and right-wing media, with mainstream news also tending to harp on the act’s troubles. Many of the attacks have involved predictions of disaster, none of which have come true. But absence of disaster doesn’t make a compelling headline, and the people who falsely predicted doom just keep coming back with dire new warnings.
Will the hacks at FOX admit they were wrong? OF COURSE NOT, as they make up new talking points that attack 'all things Dem/Obama', BUT, you don't hear them talking about all the people who love their new affordable health care, even 74% of Repubs. Nothing new here, cuz when they're wrong, they act like 'it didn't happen'. Sorta like WMD's in Iraq and the worst recession since the Great Depression under GW and his henchmen. Hard to see, with your head buried deep in your ass.


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