File this 'FOXNews headline' under,

"Will Bill and Hill Fortune Haunt '16 WHite House Bid?"
The clowns on Bullshit Mountain are disparaging Hillary cuz she has 'wealth that Americans can't relate to', and that puts her 'out of touch' with ordinary Americans. As I sit here laughing my ass off, I recall that the FOX/Repub (one and the same) candidate for the last presidential election was Mitt Romney, who was building a new house with multi-decker garages to stack his cars and couldn't recall exactly how many houses (6 or 7?) that he owned, while stashing cash in off-shore accounts. BUT, now it's a Dem and she's TOO rich to relate to the unwashed masses. Just when I think the hypocritical clowns get any more ridiculous with the swill they shovel to the sheep, they come up with another whopper, like this one. FOXNews and the sheep, what joke.


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